Wednesday 24 January 2007

defition essay:SON

When we think about son, we usually think of a boy who’s standing behind his parents. In many sources to find definition of ‘son,’ we would find out that we only can see the same definition as ‘a male child or male offspring’. But son also can be introduced in details, comparison, and example because he’s the one who is really important to his family; Son has to be a protector for the family because he owes them, he is like a big wall who suffers himself for the people who showed unconditional love and kindness, and son must be a person like my father who really cares about us with his great love toward his family in my own experience. Son is much more meaningful than just a male child.

‘Son is a male child.’ Every dictionary and other websites have only same definition of ‘son’. To define son in my own words, son is protector servant who always cares and protects his family. Son is not just a boy, not just a child, but a significant person who devotes himself for his family with eternal love because son owes his family and receives so much kindness and favor from his parents while he is growing up. The love and care of parents are so much big that we cannot tell how many things we owed to return back. In Korean culture, everyone says that son and daughter cannot return their parents’ kindness despite they serve them forever. Think how many things our parents did for us with a painful suffer, and what we have to do for our families as a protector and a son.

Because son has to take a good care of his family, he can be compared as a ‘wall’ which is standing around of the house to keep his family away from the danger and to make them feel warm inside. Wall is of course defending many things: coldness, attack, wind, rain, snow, crash, noise, and even diseases. Being a wall seems to be really hard, but think about the builders who dropped their tears and sweat to build it. Just like a wall, son has to do so many things to make his family happier while they’re staying with him because his family is the one who made and built him to be great guy like wall. Standing in front of your family and defends all dangers will be really hard, but one day or every day, you will see your heart is brimful of happiness to see your family.

One day, my father had been very sick. Our family was really worried about him in a sad mood. My father just rested on the bed for a few days, and then there were so many things for me to do instead of him. First, I had to make my mother smile because she was in big nervousness about Father. When I succeeded to make Mother smile, I felt great pride for my work about being a real son. The other things were like helping my father to move, moving furniture, and cleaning house. Those things were really hard so that I felt responsibility and pride for what I’ve done.
My father is doing a great job as a Father and a son. He is respected Father and husband in our family, but also a good son to his parents. Even though two families are separated far away, he cares both families with his love. When my grandfather was sick, my father canceled everything he had to do, and ran to see grandfather immediately. Father tried to stay as much as we could and helped my grandparents, which even seemed my father was going to stay there forever. When I saw his tired face after he came back, I learned that my father is the way I want to be as a son. One day when my parents get old, I swear that I will do and even more than my father did for the family.

Son might be a hard one to be. So many things are tempting sons to be alone: taking only their gains in their lives, not caring about their families. Many sons are not caring their families and only trying to earn a lot of money for their better lives. These guys are not supposed to be called as a son. But once you become a real son, which means you are an important family member to protect, defend, and serve your family. Since son was born, son owes and has debts to return back parents’ favors. From the beginning to the end of his life, son is making his family happy forever. When you suffer yourself to make your family proud of you, you become much more meaningful son than just a ‘male child’……

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