Wednesday 31 January 2007


I thank to everyone, who
encouraged me to publish this poetry

Especially I thank to my parents.
I couldn't give up writing poems,
because my parents were always
beside me...


For most inspired work, I always find a place to concentrate hard. I usually use library to study. Because there are walls around me, I can concentrate without any interruption. To concentrate more, I listen to quiet music that can comfort my mind. So in the library, I can do my most inspired work with my favorite music.
In writing process, I value my idea and voice that give a motto to readers. Through my ideas and voice, I try to give my passion in there. Every time I write things including essay or poem, I think how can I make readers feel as same as I do. My words are not so great, but I wish that I can change people’s lives, only one is okay. To give a really good motto to change, I must use my IDEAS and VOICE. My ideas and voice are trying to connect readers and me; how readers can understand me.

self assessment

List poem

I tried to put my poetry mostly based on ideas about my opinion toward poetry. In this poem, message is clear, focuses, and concise that shows writer’s eagerness and complaints toward the poetry with numerous reasons which just look silly. It’s also easy to summarize because words are really short and simple with basic reasons to hate poetry. But main idea/thesis/story/line is also easy to identify, because there is only one topic and the sentences are connected ‘because…it’s……’ and there are all kinds of list to show writer’s thoughts and emotions. I also tried to make a rhyme from the beginning of the sentences with ‘b and b’ ‘d and d’ ‘h and h’ with similar pronunciations when the sentences start. I made a twist at the ending happily as a twist and this ending is satisfying.
There is few errors are noticeable when ‘It was’ sentence is trying to connect so many other sentences including nouns, adjectives, and gerund. Conventions are well bringing out meaning and voice, showing writer’s emotions of anger and eagerness.
Pattern is well fitted into the topic and main purpose of writer. Other pieces are well understood as a reader and they’re easy to make connection between those ideas and main topic as making connections between readers’ lives and the poem; readers use flashback to connect their own experiences and the poems. With putting big emotion from the beginning, I put different big emotion at the end part with same sentences so that they’re really effective to the ending to make readers satisfy with a twist to say ‘but now I love poetry’
In this poem, I put a lot of effort to show my (writer’s) emotions of sadness that he keeps complaining. In other sentences, readers would feel writer’s topic creates a confident voice that cans five great expressions to readers that they can understand writer and say ‘yea, I agree with that.’ my voice is making the poem more effective and descriptive to express more to the readers to understand better and feel the same as writer does.
For this list poem, I think I used good word choices because list poem must have lists and there are good rhymes in this poem. The reasons why and the lists are really simple and good to understand that readers can be confident while they’re reading.


For ideas, I think I made a good idea in this poem because I made a twist. Poem is really short, but there’s tension while readers read it. Then I gave a last sentence “it’s me” that gives so many ideas for readers to think. I put the title “My Shadow,” but it does not only mean shadow. My idea is trying to show the reflection that we usually see ourselves and how we react to that. So in my opinion, message is clear and focused, and readers can understand it easily with some depth thought to think readers themselves. The direction is absolutely clear toward the twist and result is satisfying.
Because it’s a really short poem, it’s hard to find pickiest errors. With less errors, I cautiously say there is no problem in conventions that I could make a good convention to connect and support the main idea. But to be more specific to find the pickiest errors, the words don’t really seem to make exact syllables. Like the word ‘realize’ I used it as 3 syllables, but may be it can be 2 syllables.
Organization pattern is seems to be supporting the main idea which is the last sentence of the twist. The organization pattern has the tensions for how the story end, and their details and moods are well organized to support the main idea with a great tension. Transitions and sentences are smooth even though there are few sentences to make readers more attracted to the ending. And the ending is satisfying and effective because there is a big twist and it can make readers more desirable to read one more time.
This poem’s voice is trying to make readers have tensions while they’re reading up the next sentence. The voice showed what I wanted to tell as I put connections between descriptions and main idea through showing details but readers don’t really know what’s going to happen. And voice is carefully selected to fit the purpose and audience because readers will be satisfied to see the ending in many ways they expected to be.
In cinquin, we must use the correct syllables, because there are patterns. To be honesty, I cannot really say word choices are good because there might be other good words instead of simple and easy words. There were not many choices to make correct syllables, so I might have not that good word choices. But I would say these simple and easy words are still well supporting the main idea with voice.

Narrative poem

My main idea is about friendship and process of how they become different as the time passes by. To make a message is clear, I used a readers can see the difference and understand what writer is trying to say, what and how friendship is. I could say ideas support and expand the main idea with numerous details because from the beginning to the end, there are processes and differences between writer and his friend. With many descriptions and details, readers would see what little things can make a huge difference at the ending. By this, I think direction is also clear that poem is giving the right words of ideas of process. Writer’s direction parallelism that shows the difference and readers will keep reading to the end and realize what writer wanted to say.
For conventions, there might be few errors for grammar. In especially for punctuation marks, there is some missing grammar. The part of riding a bike faster than a friend, the sentence ‘I was the one who…’ doesn’t look that correct because I used too many ‘one’ in short sentences that don’t seem to make sense. Also there are sentences that start with capitalized ‘And’, it might be a grammar mistake also. In my opinion, pattern is really good that shows the pattern of process of how the past and now changes which is parallelism as I said before. Sentences start with “I, as a young boy, and I, as a young boy” and there is always “something I enjoy.” And also “who rode or walk faster and slower” Those keep the pattern of this poem with good organization so that readers can reread it and connect the differences with the main idea how the writer expresses the friendship. Because of this pattern and organization, readers can easily understand what writer’s trying to say.
In voice, I wrote numerous descriptions to show what I think and feel through this process of being together with friend (walking and riding a bike). Writer’s piece of passion is well showing to fit into the voice of this poem. Because there is voice that shows a little difference and process by each sentences and readers keep reading to the end to see how it ends. Also ending is my favorite, that ending is satisfying and very effective that can make readers to read it one more time and think about this poem, because I made a twist and biggest difference that my friend turns back and waits for me.
Because it’s a narrative poem, I chose the words that have same feelings and sounds that can connect the situation. I put a lot of effort to make good word choices so that writing can be clear and well suited to the topic like words of excitements with exclamations and words of silence and sadness with period.

Wednesday 24 January 2007

5goals for writing in 2007

Goal 1 [Standard 1. Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process]
Put more effort on evaluating and try to give good advice to myself and other people to able to fix
Method- Instead of just writing and revising, I will try evaluating my and people’s writing so that I will be able to see the difference. I will spend more time on evaluating after my finish my drafts. As I evaluate mind and others’, I can see the quality and what I have to fix and to improve in my writing.

Goal 2 [Standard 2. Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing]
Try to organize ideas to achieve cohesion in writing that readers will feel smooth and fluent in my writing.
Method- To organize ideas in smooth way, I will use outline with main ideas and other supporting ideas. I will always keep my main topic inside my head and try to support my main idea with variety information I have.

Goal 3 [Standard 3. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions]
Use conjunctions fluently in written compositions in every sentence in my writing.
Method- As I learn many conjunctions (FANBOYS) and grammar rules for sentences, I will use conjunctions correctly to connect sentences in smooth way without awkwardness.

Goal 4 [Standard 4. Gathers and uses information for research purposes]
Use variety information, true and accurate, from print and electronic sources to research topic.
Method- Usually I use only one resource from internet and the information is uncertain. There is variety of resources that we can use even from book, internet, magazine, newspaper, and etc. So I will use at least 3 different sources that can give me good information to make my ideas accurate.

Goal 5. [Weighted Categories]
Word Choice
Method- I am lack of vocabularies in my writing. Instead of ‘to be’ verbs, I should try more active an attractive verbs that can interest readers. I should study English vocabularies more so that my word choice will be good with correct meaning.

Poem finals

Bus Station
Sound Poem

In the bus station,
where I stand alone,
people who have different arrivals
come and start gabbling and gaggling

In the bus station,
where I stand with people,
an old bus with a familiar bus driver
creaks and squeaks

In the bus station,
where I stand with people in front of the bus,
Everyone jams and throngs on to the bus,
a moan of people and a bus

In the bus station,
where I stand alone,
only the wind is wandering besides me, hush, silence.

How Hatred Becomes Love
List Poem

I hated poetry because…

It was
difficult to understand
difficult to remember
forgettable easily
forcing me to memorize
hard to read
hard to write
taking too much time with a short paragraph
stern to follow
steaming me up
one of the writing project

now I am fascinated by poetry
now I love it

Difference between Bike and Walk
Narrative Poem

I, as a young kid,
always rode bikes with my friend
Squeking and creaking old bike
was a precious remembrance for us
Enormous smile!
Big shout!!
Excited eyes!!!
I was the one who always rode a bike faster
And my friend was the one who rode a bike slower
I was pleased to ride a bike faster than him

But I never stopped to wait for him

I, as a young boy,
often take a walk with my friend
Plodding and crunching slow walk
is a precious remembrance for us
Bitter smile…
Tired eyes……
Feeble laugh………
I am the one who always walk slower
And my friend is the one who walk faster than me
Now I am pleased to walk behind him

But he stops and looks back at me
And waits walk together…with his smile

With Great Happiness, I Will Say Good Bye

With great happiness, I will say good bye
Saying good bye is nothing to me, it even makes me glad
But I don’t know why I cry

When you fly away to the sky,
your flapping wings just make me mad
With great happiness, I will say good bye

My eyes are absolutely dry
I am not sad
But I don’t know why I cry

I cannot do anything, but you must try
to fly away quickly before I do something bad
With great happiness, I will say good bye

You will see my happiness in my eye
I am not losing you, I am releasing you, dad
But I don’t know why I cry

You and I know that I do not lie
To my word, happiness, there is nothing to add
With great happiness, I will say good bye
But I don’t know why I cry

My Shadow

I run
Someone follows me
I am afraid being caught
When I look back, I realize
It’s me

process essay: how to earn money from your relatives

Attention! For all the teenagers in Korea who need a lot of money to enjoy your life, remember the day in Korean culture, days like Chuseok(Korean Thanksgiving Day) and Sulnal(New Year’s day). How much money did you get during these celebrations? Are you satisfied with that money? If you are, then you better be throwing this paper away and experiencing how hard the world is. Not like those guys, If you have more desire for money, you should be paying attention to this. Before you get started, you should be prepared to face many difficulties and crises to achieve this greatest job ever.
You are supposed to meet your relatives who are greeting you, and this is going to be the first thing you experience during this project. Bow your head slowly until they see you and say something to you, “Oh, now you’re grown up! You are so tall!” When they say this, you will make a big smile for thanks even though they always say that every time they see you. Ah, if you want to give your better image, then don’t forget your short hair cuts before they see you. Teenagers don’t know the reason why adults like short hair cuts.
After you had a meeting with your relatives, you have to pretend to be a good student. With your glasses on (No contact lens!), your eyes will be full of curiosity and interests. You should be reading books quietly when everyone’s watching. The reason of being that is adults will give you a lot of money and say, “Buy many books with this money and read them to be a good man.” So if you’re reading a thick book with title War and Peace, they look at you in a different light. In their eyes, you will be shining of light with a thick book on your hands.
The biggest danger will overwhelm you soon. Afterwards, your little elementary cousins will make a big noise and ask you to play together. Ah… everyone knows it’s such a terrible thing, but think about the money which will be in your pocket. Young kids’ most dangerous thing is their mouth. If you don’t play with them, then they will say everything about your bad things to their parents. Relatives might think you do not deserve to get much money because now you are known as a bad boy. You have to think their mouths can decide your amount of money. But in this Brain Survival Game, you can use their mouths to make benefits for you. Imagine that little cousins telling their parents good things about you!! Only a few coins can make this possible: candy, ice cream, or useless toys in the snacks. Make sure your cousins are in your team, and then the victory will be yours.
At last, you get money from your relatives! The amount of money you get would be a result of your effort. The only thing that you have to do is bowing politely, getting money, and staying there until everyone finishes the celebration. In addition to this, you shouldn’t count money when they’re watching and you should avoid 5,000 won, try to get green 10,000 won every time. If you followed my steps, you should be satisfied with your money. Remember this and use it wisely, but one day you will need another method to give less money to your relatives when you get old in the future.

defition essay:SON

When we think about son, we usually think of a boy who’s standing behind his parents. In many sources to find definition of ‘son,’ we would find out that we only can see the same definition as ‘a male child or male offspring’. But son also can be introduced in details, comparison, and example because he’s the one who is really important to his family; Son has to be a protector for the family because he owes them, he is like a big wall who suffers himself for the people who showed unconditional love and kindness, and son must be a person like my father who really cares about us with his great love toward his family in my own experience. Son is much more meaningful than just a male child.

‘Son is a male child.’ Every dictionary and other websites have only same definition of ‘son’. To define son in my own words, son is protector servant who always cares and protects his family. Son is not just a boy, not just a child, but a significant person who devotes himself for his family with eternal love because son owes his family and receives so much kindness and favor from his parents while he is growing up. The love and care of parents are so much big that we cannot tell how many things we owed to return back. In Korean culture, everyone says that son and daughter cannot return their parents’ kindness despite they serve them forever. Think how many things our parents did for us with a painful suffer, and what we have to do for our families as a protector and a son.

Because son has to take a good care of his family, he can be compared as a ‘wall’ which is standing around of the house to keep his family away from the danger and to make them feel warm inside. Wall is of course defending many things: coldness, attack, wind, rain, snow, crash, noise, and even diseases. Being a wall seems to be really hard, but think about the builders who dropped their tears and sweat to build it. Just like a wall, son has to do so many things to make his family happier while they’re staying with him because his family is the one who made and built him to be great guy like wall. Standing in front of your family and defends all dangers will be really hard, but one day or every day, you will see your heart is brimful of happiness to see your family.

One day, my father had been very sick. Our family was really worried about him in a sad mood. My father just rested on the bed for a few days, and then there were so many things for me to do instead of him. First, I had to make my mother smile because she was in big nervousness about Father. When I succeeded to make Mother smile, I felt great pride for my work about being a real son. The other things were like helping my father to move, moving furniture, and cleaning house. Those things were really hard so that I felt responsibility and pride for what I’ve done.
My father is doing a great job as a Father and a son. He is respected Father and husband in our family, but also a good son to his parents. Even though two families are separated far away, he cares both families with his love. When my grandfather was sick, my father canceled everything he had to do, and ran to see grandfather immediately. Father tried to stay as much as we could and helped my grandparents, which even seemed my father was going to stay there forever. When I saw his tired face after he came back, I learned that my father is the way I want to be as a son. One day when my parents get old, I swear that I will do and even more than my father did for the family.

Son might be a hard one to be. So many things are tempting sons to be alone: taking only their gains in their lives, not caring about their families. Many sons are not caring their families and only trying to earn a lot of money for their better lives. These guys are not supposed to be called as a son. But once you become a real son, which means you are an important family member to protect, defend, and serve your family. Since son was born, son owes and has debts to return back parents’ favors. From the beginning to the end of his life, son is making his family happy forever. When you suffer yourself to make your family proud of you, you become much more meaningful son than just a ‘male child’……